Serunding Ikan Bilis/ Anchovies Floss

November 18, 2010
What is serunding (pronounce Se-roon-ding)?
It is a Malay word ~ literally translated to Meat Floss... There are many type of serunding... Beef, chicken, fish.. and last but not least... Anchovies.... Serunding is best served with steamed glutinous rice cooked in coconut milk or spread on white bread or eat it with hot steamed rice ... 

Soak Anchovies to get rid off the excess salt
This is my second serunding making in a week... My first was Beef serunding (Beef Meat floss)... sadly my beef serunding could not make it to my photoshoot... it was gone in a blink.
Mr H hardly had the chance to savour ... may be a tiny pinch to taste... The culprits were my 2 hungry teens!! and yet they are whining... 'Not enough' ...' Oh, Mom!! its so little'... bla...bla..bla...
I slogged over the stove again yesterday to make Anchovies Floss ... and off it goes ~ to my make-shift studio for some photography session... before its too LATE....

Chillies and chopped onions in a blender...
serunding recipe is from my mom's old cookbook.... 


500g dried anchovies - soaked to get rid of excess salt.
10 dried chillies - soaked in hot water
1 red onion - roughly chopped
1 tablespoon of prawn granules or belacan
2 handfull of store bought golden fried shallots
sugar to taste (about 1/2 cup to start with)
1/2 cup of cooking oil

  1. Blend the onion and chillies into a smooth paste
  2. Blend 300g of the anchovies into a smooth paste and roughly chopped the other 200g
  3. Heat up cooking oil in wok.
  4. Add the chilli paste, keep stirring until the paste thickened and fragrant
  5. Add paste and the roughly chopped anchovies
  6. Keep stirring and cooked until all the moisture and liquid dried up.
  7. Season with sugar...
  8. lastly add the golden fried shallots and stir...
Best serve with steamed glutinous rice with coconut milk or pulut...

From My Lemony Kitchen... on Foodista


  1. Dried anchovies! I just like to toast them and eat them with porridge. Lazy cooking!

  2. tigerfish,
    or make sambal with it... yum...

  3. Lapar dah ni.. belum I makan nasi lagi, this is perfect!

  4. leemei,
    saja nak bagi you meleleh air liur... I nak masak pulut (konon2 ketupat la) nak makan dengan serunding... :)

  5. Deep fried anchovies with beer is great. Sambal Petai with anchovies, I can go on and on... I put anchovies and chilli padi in my pasta sauce... it is unforgettable! LOL!

  6. Quay Po Cooks,
    Ikan bilis~ nice to go with mostly anything... :)

  7. It's funny, yesterday I went to a Malaysian place for dinner, and wanted to order Pork floss. The waitress has been convincing me for half an hour that I would not like it, so I got something else. Now looking at the recipe, I am sorry she had convinced me... It looks yummy!

  8. Cooking Rookie,
    Oh no... perhaps their floss is really not so impressive...
